Workshops and Panel Sessions

25 June
11:00 PS105 WS103 PS106
15:00 WS114 WS102 WS108
16:40 PS101 WS112 WS101
26 June
11:00 WS110 WS104 PS103 PS109
15:00 WS107 WS109 WS115 WS116
16:40 PS102 WS117 WS118
27 June
11:00 WS111 PS108
15:00 WS106 PS104 WS105 PS110

Digital approaches to achieve circular resilient and sustainable supply chains and Manufacturing as a Service Ecosystems

25 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon I - PS105

Emerging challenges like climate change and resource scarcity, spanning essentials like food, land, energy, and critical materials, necessitate innovative economic strategies. These strategies should on one hand bolster the sustainability and profitability of products and solutions, while on the other hand enhance the resilience of communities and industries.
The imperative for sustainability demands a shift towards embracing circularity. In fact, circularity stands out as a compelling solution in this landscape, being regarded as a transformation from waste to wealth, where waste from one entity becomes a valuable resource for another entity. However, embracing circularity requires a fundamental change in mindset, moving beyond short-term profit towards long-term ecological stewardship and societal well-being. Integrating circularity into business means not only to align with ethical and environmental imperatives, but also to discover new economic opportunities. These aspects need to be highlighted and complemented with appropriate technologies and regulations that support and incentivize circular practices. Circularity demands collaboration across sectors and along the value chain, as well as engagement with consumers to foster a culture of sustainability that redefines the relationship between consumption, production, and environmental stewardship, leading to a more resilient and prosperous future for all.
Servitization within manufacturing is the other concept, pertinent to sustainability and resilience, that is discussed in this panel. In servitization, the conventional model of ownership gives way to utilization within a collaborative ecosystem, where production capabilities and capacities are shared within value networks. Underutilized production capacities can now be harnessed by various stakeholders within these networks, enabling them to cope with emerging challenges and to produce their respective goods within this newly formed collaborative framework.

The discussion will focus on:

  • Collaborative business models: from profit-based to circular economy and Manufacturing as a Service.
  • Enabling technologies (Digital Twins, Data Spaces, and AI) for Collaborative Value Networks.
  • Enabling technologies for Manufacturing as a service (MaaS).
  • Governance perspective and certification: Data sharing and data policies, Certification.
  • Digital Product Passport approaches.
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Designing the Future: A Workshop on Circular Ecosystem Development

25 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon II - WS103

At a time when sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity, this workshop will focus on the development of circular economy value creation systems. The urgent need to move from a linear take-make-waste model to a more sustainable circular economy model is more evident than ever. We invite researchers and practitioners in sustainability, innovation and strategy to join us for this interactive workshop session.

Our research has identified a gap in the applicability of existing business ecosystem design methods to the development of circular ecosystems, prompting the creation of a novel process framework consisting of four stages: Vision, Configuration, Formation, and Operation. The workshop aims to provide insights on a state-of-the-art method to develop circular ecosystems and allows participants to apply their newly acquired knowledge on a real case study in the food packaging industry. At the same, by providing valuable feedback and engaging in moderated discussions, participants significantly support the validation and data collection on our current research on a circular business ecosystem development framework.

No explicit prior knowledge of the design of value creation structures or the circular economy is required to participate in this workshop. We welcome a variety of perspectives and participants regardless of their professional and academic background.

  • Circular Economy
  • Circular Ecosystem
  • Circular Business Model Innovation
  • Sustainable Innovation
  • Digital Data Ecosystem
  • Digital Product Data
  • Digital Platform
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Empowering Innovation: European Digital Innovation Hubs in Focus

25 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon III - PS106

  • Opening Remarks

    Brief overview of the session's objectives and the importance of EDIHs in driving digital transformation across Europe.

  • Introduction of Panelists

    Unique strengths or focal areas of each EDIH are highlighted, setting the stage for their presentations.

  • EDIH Presentations

    Concise presentation showcasing EDIH's offerings, emphasizing:

    • Mission and objectives driving the EDIH.
    • Key services and support available to businesses and innovators.
    • Noteworthy success stories or impactful case studies.
    • Insight into upcoming initiatives or opportunities for collaborative endeavors.
  • Round Table Discussion

    Discussion delving into pivotal themes pertinent to digital innovation in Europe:

    • The pivotal role of EDIHs in supporting SMEs and startups.
    • Identifying challenges and opportunities in digital transformation.
    • Highlighting collaborative projects between EDIHs and diverse stakeholders.
    • Exploring future trajectories for European digital innovation ecosystems
  • Closing Remarks

    Summary of the main conclusions and knowledge obtained in the debate on European digital innovation.

  • Matchmaking Session

    A brief, structured networking segment is facilitated, enabling attendees to express interest in specific EDIHs or topics for potential follow-up collaborations and engagements.

Target Attendees:
  • Industry

Soft and Deformable products Manufacturing

25 June - 15h00-16h20, Lagoon I - WS114

Integrating Flexible Robotics and AI for Adaptive Production Lines

This workshop will explore cutting-edge innovations in robotic technologies and artificial intelligence that aim to transform the European manufacturing landscape by enhancing the flexibility, agility, and efficiency of production systems. The session will delve into how these technologies can be applied to handle a diverse array of products, from soft and deformable objects to varied part sizes and materials, supporting the shift from mass production to customization, not forgetting social and human impacts.

All this will be illustrated by the presentations from 4 EU projects dealing with these innovation challenges:

  • AGILEHAND - Quality grading with Deep Learning
  • MASTERLY - Nimble Artificial Intelligence driven robotic solutions for efficient and self-determined handling and assembly operations
  • SMARTHANDLE - Intelligent handling of flexible and delicate objects: the case of contact lenses production
  • Project Cluster - Synergy Initiatives
  • AI
  • Robotics
  • Manufacturing
  • Social
  • Production
  • Industry 5.0
Target Attendees:
  • Industry, Researchers

Bridging Technology and Industry Effectively - Best Practices Workshop

25 June - 15h00-16h20, Lagoon II - WS102

To successfully bring technology and new solutions to the industry, not only technical expertise is crucial, but also knowing the right marketing techniques. This workshop will base on lessons learnt in introducing your ideas to the market in frames of European projects. Whether your initiatives deal with Industry 5.0, production lines digitalisation or robotics advancements (and other deep tech topics!), for it to succeed you need to know how to reach your target audience. Sneak-peak: The AMULET (The Advanced Materials & manufacturing United for LightwEighT) project succeeded with 183 matchmaking event participants which let us fund 90 SMEs! How was it achieved? You'll know during the workshop!

  • Manufacturing
  • Digitalisation
  • Marketing
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Researchers

Industry 5.0 Digital Transformation of Manufacturing SMEs, the role of I4MS2

25 June - 15h00-16h20, Lagoon III - WS108

How EU Horizon Europe I4MS2 and Digital Europe EDIH Programmes could support the Digital Transformation of Manufacturing SMEs towards human-centric, resilient and sustainable manufacturing industry (Industry 5.0)

Managing and governing the transition between Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 is one of the major challenges in the Strategic Research agendas of MiE (Made in Europe) and ADRA (AI Data Robotics) EU partnerships. Large multinational manufacturing enterprises have undertaken in the recent years huge investments to become more resilient to value chains perturbations, more circular and environmentally sustainable, and in the meantime paying a specific attention to user acceptance, wellbeing and decisional empowerment. SMEs usually cannot afford alone the costs of Industry 5.0, but also they lack the needed competencies for implementing the required digital transformations in terms of Products, Processes, Platforms and People skills. New Partnerships are therefore needed in order to meet SMEs expectations towards Industry 5.0 and to be able to monitor and assess the Performance indicators of human acceptance, resilience and sustainability. The EC has recently introduced the I4MS initiative in its Research & Innovation Programmes and the EDIHs network in Digital EU programme, in order to support manufacturing SMEs. The workshop aims to discuss the preliminary achievements towards I5.0 of both I4MS and EDIH in their first implementation period and to provide recommendations and guidelines for their successful completion in the current framework programme 2021-2027.

  • Introduction
  • The Point of View of I4MS in Horizon Europe with representatives from:
    • AI REDGIO5.0 and the SCAMM Industrial Pilot
    • AIRISE and the Industrial Pilot
    • WASABI project
    • CIRCULOOS project
  • Q&A and panel discussion
  • Digital Transformation
  • Manufacturing SMEs
  • Industry 5.0
  • Human-centric
  • Sustainable
  • Resilient EU Manufacturing Industry
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

From Prototype to Profit: Market Uptake Workshop

25 June - 16h40-18h00, Lagoon I - PS101

This panel session offers an exploration of the technology transfer methodology exemplified by the Horizon Europe R3GROUP project. In the panel, we want to underscore how current approaches in Technology Transfer (such as the implementation of the LEAN approach) are being deployed in European R&I projects in the context of Industry 4.0 (and 5.0). Moreover, in the panel, the subject of resilience in industry will be highlighted by showing how in the R3group project digital technologies for reconfigurability are being developed to increase resilience.

Additionally, in this session we will also highlight the important role of creating an ecosystem around the manufacturing industry to leverage the technology adoption and spread around Europe.

The diverse panel of experts aims to engage and inspire attendees, showcasing practical strategies for market innovation in a human-centric digital era.

Target Attendees:
  • Industry

Synergizing Digital Technologies and Data for Advanced Manufacturing: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Directions

25 June - 16h40-18h00, Lagoon II - WS112

The proposed workshop aims to overview the potential of open digital tools that enable the digitalization, automatization, and optimization of industrial processes and serve as a convergence point for three pioneering research projects — DiMAT, PIONEER, and MetaFacturing — that are at the forefront of integrating digital technologies into manufacturing. By fostering an interdisciplinary dialogue, the workshop will explore the innovations, challenges, and future directions in the digital modeling, simulation, and optimization of design, processing, and manufacturing within the advanced materials and production systems domains.
The workshop will include keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions to encourage engagement and knowledge exchange among participants. It aims to not only highlight the achievements of the involved projects but also to chart a course for future research and development in the field of digital manufacturing technologies.

  • Showcase Innovations: Present cutting-edge developments in digital tools and platforms that support the design, processing, and manufacturing stages across various materials and production systems. Highlight the role of Digital Twin technologies, open innovation platforms, and AI-driven optimizations in enhancing production quality, sustainability, and efficiency.
  • Address Challenges: Discuss the challenges faced by the European materials industry and manufacturing enterprises in adopting digital technologies. These challenges include the low uptake of digital technologies, the need for interoperable digital tools, and the integration of data and metadata for advanced digitalization of manufacturing lines.
  • Promote Interoperability: Explore strategies for achieving interoperability among different digital tools and platforms. Examine how projects like DiMAT, PIONEER, and MetaFacturing are developing interoperable suites, platforms, and frameworks to facilitate seamless integration and communication across various stages of the value chain.
  • Encourage Collaboration: Foster collaborations among stakeholders from academia, industry, and policy-making to accelerate the adoption of digital technologies in manufacturing. Discuss how multidisciplinary approaches and open innovation can drive the evolution towards intelligent, agile industries capable of meeting the demands of a turbulent global market.
  • Assess the economic, social and environmental impact: Evaluate the holistic impact of digital technology adoption in the manufacturing industry, taking into account economic, social and environmental factors. Explore how digitization influences the economic patterns of the industry and its environment, while examining its role in improving resilience and sustainability within manufacturing processes. Discuss strategies to maximize the benefits of digital transformation while mitigating environmental impacts and promoting long-term sustainability in the industry.
  • Envision the Future: Identify future research directions and technological advancements needed to overcome existing limitations and unlock new possibilities for digital technologies in advanced manufacturing. Discuss the potential of emerging technologies and methodologies to transform the European materials industry and beyond.
  • Smart Factories
  • Digital Twin Technologies
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Digital Modelling and Simulation
  • Sustainable Production Processes
  • Interoperable Digital Tools
  • AI-Driven Production Optimization
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Innovations in manufacturing technologies: Towards a circular economy and a resilient future

25 June - 16h40-18h00, Lagoon III - WS101

Explore how new technologies are revolutionising manufacturing to accelerate its digitalisation towards a future supported by a circular economy and a resilient future

The workshop envisages presenting and discussing the advancements provided by five pioneering projects - AIDEAS, s-X-AIPI, Circular TwAIN, CLASCO and TRANSIENCE. The objective is to share their unique journeys into the manufacturing industry's digital transformation, fostering discussion and encouraging the sharing of experiences among related European projects at different stages of maturity. Each project will showcase its advances in the development of advanced AI technologies, unmasking current trends and initiatives driving the manufacturing industry by covering different phases of the value chain, such as design, production, use or logistics. Demonstrating how they are supporting the industry with their digitalisation and the impact they are having on circularity and resilience. Starting with 5 different presentations the workshop will conclude with an open to discuss the challenges and future perspectives.

  • Circular Manufacturing
  • Resilience
  • Digital Transformation
  • Artificial intelligence
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

The Voice of the User: Integrating Inclusion into Innovation Practices

26 June - 11h00-12h30, Sunset III - WS110

User inclusion in innovation is increasingly the target of policy rhetoric at both organizational and societal levels. Extensive research has demonstrated the potential contribution that users can make, both at the "front end" of innovation with their ideas and insights and downstream, facilitating adoption and diffusion. However, translating this potential into practice remains problematic, not least because we need to understand more about how to hear user voices, amplify their insights and provide practical channels for inclusion to ensure full co-creation of innovation. Earlier research suggested a spectrum of user involvement ranging from those who can participate fully to those who are passive players in the innovation process. The question remains what tools, techniques, and mechanisms enable users to become more involved in the innovation process?
This workshop will bridge the gap between the potential and practice of user inclusion in innovation. Participants will explore "boundary innovation spaces" where user co-creation is prioritized, and delve into various tools and techniques that promote active user involvement. Through interactive sessions and best practice examples from across Europe, attendees will gain insights into effective strategies for integrating user voices in innovation processes. This workshop will equip participants with the knowledge to foster inclusive innovation environments within their organizations, ensuring that user insights are not just heard but are instrumental in driving innovation forward.

  • Introduction to the concept of “Boundary Innovation Spaces”.
  • A review of tools and techniques for user involvement.
  • Presentation of best practices from Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands and Madeira.
  • An interactive segment where attendees work in groups, reflecting on their own experiences with user involvement. This session will be facilitated by the organizers.
  • User inclusion
  • Innovation process
  • Innovation space
  • Inclusion methods
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Sector Specific Cybersecurity Professional Trainings: Achievements, Challenges, and the Way forward

26 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon I - WS104

The workshop aims to address critical aspects of cybersecurity training and certification to combat skills gaps across sectors. Throughout the workshop, we'll explore the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF), discuss the importance of certifications, examine practical cybersecurity training tools, and engage in co-creation activities to design sector-specific training syllabi. Join us in this collaborative effort to enhance cybersecurity resilience across Europe.

  • Introduction - EU and international efforts, European Cybersecurity Skills Gaps, Sector-specific cybersecurity professional training needs.
  • Understanding the ECSF Framework - ECSF structure and key components, Benefits and applications of the ECSF in cybersecurity training, ECSF in sectoral training efforts, Human factors, cognitive characteristics and soft skills in the training process.
  • Cybersecurity certifications of professional trainings - European and International Efforts, EU Innovation Projects proposed certification scheme, Challenges and Needs for EU professional training certification, Open discussions: Empirical observations and experiences.
  • Tools for practical cybersecurity training - Assessment criteria for embedding tools in the training process, Cybersecurity tools used in the professional training process, Examples and Paradigms from CyberSecPro and NERO projects, Open discussion: Challenges and best practices.
  • Co-creation activity: Designing a practical sectoral training - Use cases from various cases (maritime, health, energy), Co-creation of syllabi, Q&A and workshop wrap-up.
  • Cybersecurity
  • European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF)
  • Cybersecurity Workforce Development
  • Cybersecurity Training Design
  • Certification
  • Educational Schemes
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Cognitive Computing Continuum: Connecting 40 billion (IoT) devices with 200ZB of data (in the Cloud)

26 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon II - PS103

This panel session will bring together the researchers and practitioners to discuss the state of art and impeding challenges with regards to dynamic connectivity of edge-cloud resources and brining more intelligence and automation in the edge-cloud continuum. This panel session will be primarily supported by the EC funded projects from the CL4-2023-DATA-01-04 call, among other EC projects and industry initiatives focusing on edge-cloud continuum. The session will include introductory presentations from ongoing projects/initiatives, followed by panel discussion on thematic topics of interest, such as dynamic discovery and connectivity of heterogeneous resources in the edge-cloud continuum, dynamic deployment of applications/services and orchestration of distributed resources, AI-based automation and adaption of resource management, applications design and deployment optimisation for edge-cloud continuum, security, privacy and energy efficiency of distributed applications and hardware, software and AI models for supporting the application deployment and execution opportunities in the edge-cloud continuum.

  • Welcom and Introduction
  • Cognitive Continuum Project Introdcutions
  • Thematic Discussions and Q&A
    • Dynamic connectivity between heterogenous edge-cloud resources
    • Dynamic discovery and orchestration of edge-cloud resources
    • Dynamic application deployment and adaptation
    • Multi-criteria deployment of hyper-distributed applications
    • Support for Application level adaptation
    • Support for elasticity and sclability of hyper-distributed applications
    • Human centricity in the management of Cognitive Compute Continuum
    • Optimisation of energy effeciency and other criteria in the CCC
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

From Insights to Impact

26 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon III - PS109

How to initiate, kick start and perpetuate digital transformation with SMEs

For too long, we have been pushing technology to initiate digital transformation in Europe, while others have concentrated on solving customer problems using these technologies. Consequently, in Europe, we have widely missed focusing on customer and user problems. Instead, by pushing technology, we have created an atmosphere of hesitation, skepticism, and sometimes even fear.

Key Discussion Points:
  • Fostering Technology Adoption: How can we turn the tide and foster the adoption of technology by solving user and customer issues?
  • Leveraging Technology as a Toolbox: How can we manage to view available technology as a toolbox, enabling us to identify and address specific challenges effectively?
  • Defining Problems and Utilizing Technology: How can we identify and properly define the problems to be solved and best utilize available technology to address them?
Panel Insights:

We are honored to have members of the thematic working group "Digital Business Models" join us on this panel. Their invaluable experience and insights will provide a comprehensive view of the current status in different countries, allowing us to learn from each other.

Open Discussion:

Following the panel discussion, we welcome an open dialogue with the audience, encouraging active participation and the exchange of ideas. This interactive session will enrich our understanding and pave the way for innovative solutions. We look forward to contributions from the audience to this crucial discussion. Together, we can shape the future of digital transformation by addressing customer and user needs while leveraging technology as a powerful enabler.

Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry

Value Sensitive Design (VSD) for a new generation of Smart City projects

26 June - 15h00-16h20, Lagoon I - WS107

New technologies present a promising opportunity for a deeper understanding of the urban environment, the challenges we face, and the translation of knowledge to a wider audience in European and world cities. Recently, solutions like digital twinning and a second generation of smart cities have gained new impetus. Implementing big data and AI-based solutions raises some questions: whether and how science and technology development can be more inclusive, more participative, socially sensitive, innovative and progressive. Underestimating social involvement when implementing new technologies may be a direct cause of the failure of smart city implementations and cause their broadly defined ineffectiveness and unprofitability.
During the workshop, we want to share our experience gained in various Horizon research projects in which we have been supporting the practical and socially sensitive implementation of digital tools in world cities. We want to capture how a combination of new technology and various social participation forms might resonate across diverse research and policy-making contexts, leveraging the project experiences in European urban settings.
As a result, the audience will understand the VSD approach in practice and the active involvement of communities in the design and implementation processes of new technologies. We will share knowledge about the latest methods of social participation and co-creation. We will discuss the difficulties of implementing smart city projects that ensure the involvement of local communities and thus increase the chances of successful implementation.

  • Presentation of Value Sensitive Design approach
  • Exercising VSD in practice with the audience
  • Multi Actor Approach and Citizen Science in digital twinning - a case study based on CREST project experience
  • Co-designing MAA and/or CS mini project assumption for a fictional implementation in a fictional urban location: active audience involvement
  • Brief summary: defining VSD project backbone
  • Digital twinning
  • Multi actor approach
  • Citizen science
  • Social engagement
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Smart, Efficient and Sustainable Energy Use

26 June - 15h00-16h20 & 16h40-18h00, Lagoon II - WS109

Exploring how FORTESIE, BuildON, Herit4Ages, CREATORS, Communitas, SHIFT2DC and AHEAD Projects are promoting and piloting smart, efficient and sustainable energy use, with innovative technologies as the catalyst and with particular focus on the buildings' ecosystem.

Workshop to discuss the objectives, progress and findings of 7 pioneering projects - FORTESIE, BuildON, Herit4Ages, CREATORS, Communitas, SHIFT2DC and AHEAD - and share their unique journeys in the field of smart, efficient and sustainable energy use. Each project will showcase its approach and advancements in the development of pioneer concepts. The workshop will be held in a single slot: each project will be presented, followed by a short Q&A session; a dedicated slot will be provided at the end of the projects' presentation to catalyze knowledge exchange and explore potential synergies/collaborations.

  • Energy
  • Smart energy
  • Energy efficiency
  • Sustainability
  • Buildings
  • ICT
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

EDIHs Meet the PO - Navigating the SME Landscape: Strategies and Best Practices from EDIHs

26 June - 15h00-15h40, Selvagens III - WS115

Hosted by: Helena Rodrigues

This workshop will feature presentations from EDIHs that have successfully engaged with small and medium enterprises (SMEs), particularly focusing on outreach strategies, innovative approaches, and overcoming barriers to adoption. The session will provide actionable insights for other hubs looking to enhance their SME engagement.

EDIHs Meet the PO - Harnessing AI: Innovations and Services Offered by EDIHs

26 June - 15h40-16h20, Selvagens III - WS116

Hosted by: Helena Rodrigues

In this workshop, select EDIHs will showcase their specialized AI services, highlighting use cases, successful collaborations, and unique offerings. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of AI-driven solutions available through EDIHs and opportunities for cross-collaboration.

Current and Future Directions on Skills, Ethics and Gender Responsiveness in Digital Transformation: Vision and Mission of public and private sectors

26 June - 16h40-18h00, Lagoon I - PS102

As the digital landscape evolves at an exceptional pace, revolutionizing various fields, the need for a comprehensive approach to digital transformation is becoming mandatory. This panel brings together experts from various sectors (e.g., academy, industry and government) to discuss the current state and explore future trajectories of skills, ethics and gender responsiveness in the context of digital transformation. The session will explore emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities related to digital skills needed for the future workforce, the ethical implications of technological advancements and the importance of ensuring gender equality and inclusivity in digital innovation.

Panel will analyse vison and mission about:

  • Digital skills across different sectors
  • Ethical considerations in emerging technologies
  • Gender biases and disparities in digital access, representation, and decision-making
  • Proposals for promoting ethical practices and gender-responsive approaches
  • Best practices and lessons learned in addressing ethical and gender-related concerns in digital projects and policies

Audience participation and engagement will be encouraged through interactive Q&A session and discussions for gaining valuable insights into shaping a more inclusive and equitable digital future.

Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

EDIHs Meet the PO - Overcoming Challenges: Lessons Learned from EDIHs Across Europe

26 June - 16h40-17h20, Selvagens III - WS117

Hosted by: Helena Rodrigues

This workshop will facilitate a discussion on the main challenges faced by EDIHs and how they have been addressed. Representatives from different hubs will share their experiences, strategies, and solutions for overcoming obstacles related to funding, collaboration, technology adoption, and more. Attendees will benefit from actionable insights and best practices.

EDIHs Meet the PO - EDIHs from Outermost Regions

26 June - 17h20-18h00, Selvagens III - WS118

Hosted by: Helena Rodrigues

Highlighting challenges and strategies for innovation in EDIHs located in the outermost European regions.

Shaping the Future of Healthcare

27 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon I - WS111

Setting up XpanDH's Community of Doers and Co-creators

XpanDH supports an expanding ecosystem of individuals and organizations that are developing, experimenting, and adopting the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) providing a crucial contribution to the EHDS. In the context of healthcare and digital support, the user-experience of both patients and professionals is key for the operation of an ICT solution. The end-result is to reduce any digital divide between stakeholders by understanding practice needs and adopting the EEHRxF. Systematic elicitation of user-perspectives can be achieved through co-creation, which is a collaborative design process where input from end users plays a central role from start to end, creating value from the initial phases of design. In this workshop we will engage with the audience to collect ideas and input on the core areas of EHDS with contributions to the evolving EEHRxF, capturing perspectives of patients, professionals, academia, and programmers either connected to economic operators, start-ups, or SMEs, coming together “communities of doers”, to ensuring adoption of a service or deployed solution.

  • Healthcare
  • Digital health
  • European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF)
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

The role of European projects in driving digitalization and strengthening health systems capacity for emergency response

27 June - 11h00-12h30, Lagoon III - PS108

The future of health information systems in Europe beyond COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of robust digital and health information systems in effectively responding to health emergencies and enhancing preparedness and resilience. The European Commission has launched the European Health Data Space as a vision for a more interlinked and data driven health in Europe. This panel aims to explore the lessons learned from Covid-19 and the role of European projects in driving digitalization and strengthening health systems capacity for emergency response. By discussing future research needs and opportunities for collaboration and translation among projects, the panel seeks to advance knowledge and innovation in digital and health information systems for more resilient health systems.

Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

Towards individual's empowerment over own health data: The role of the European Electronic Health Record exchange Format

27 June - 15h00-16h20 & 16h40-18h00, Lagoon I - WS106

The workshop aims to explore the significance of the European Health exchange Format (EEHRxF) as an essential conduit for health data exchange across Europe, underscoring its benefits for patients and their rights to access their health information. Divided into two distinct segments, the workshop will firstly delve into an introductory exploration of the European Health Data Space (EHDS), emphasizing the pivotal role of EEHRxF within this framework. This section will encompass an analysis of the associated ecosystem and methodologies for evaluating maturity levels in EEHRxF implementation. In addition, results of adoption efforts made around the EEHRxF in XpanDH will be presented and the audience will be invited to engage in an open exercise together to identify further efforts, main challenges and barriers. Secondly, the workshop will pivot towards a comprehensive discussion on mechanisms for ensuring secure health data sharing, particularly through the adoption of the xShare Yellow Button and how it will contribute to bring EHDS to reality. Also, the session will focus on results achieved within the xShare Adoption sites, particularly their business use cases, the requirements identified. An open exercise with the audience will also be operationalised to gather additional requirements. In the end, the results obtained will be wrapped up in order to extract concrete conclusions on what are the necessary steps for accelerating the EEHRxF adoption.

  • Part I: Xpanding EHRxF
    • The EHRxF as Building Block for the EHDS
    • How to progress with the implementation ecosystem
    • How to assess maturity and evolve
    • Bubbling around the format: results achieved
    • Open exercise: collecting further efforts, challenges and barriers
  • Part II: Enabling safe share of health data
    • The xShare Yellow button for Health data exchange
    • From vision to reality: Adoption sites and overall challenges, aims and requirements
    • Open exercise: confirming requirements and collecting new ones
  • EEHRxF
  • Digital Health
  • EHDS
  • Health data exchange
  • xShare Yellow Button
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers
  • Healthcare professionals and providers
  • Citizens/patients representatives
  • Health IT sector

Digital Skills: Healthcare Professionals' Ability and Willingness to Collaborate with Generative AI in Clinical Decision Processes

27 June - 15h00-16h20, Lagoon II - PS104

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools may open new avenues to supplement human clinical reasoning. While not presently designed for direct use as clinical decision support systems, GenAI tools have the potential to provide additional insights to medical professionals if rigorous safeguards are implemented. However, meaningful empirical investigation of integrating GenAI tools to support clinical reasoning and decision-making is still in its infancy, and this area of research is still in nascent stages.
In the panel we will explore health professionals' familiarity with, attitudes and willingness to use GenAI in clinical decision making, in which situations, and to what extent they trust and rely on these systems. What are the social and ethical dilemmas and challenges associated with using AI and how it will impact workflow.

Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Researchers

Transformation of the health care delivery through e/m Health services

27 June - 15h00-16h20 & 16h40-18h00, Lagoon III - WS105

Digital technologies for prevention, diagnosis, follow up and treatment: Opportunities and challenges in the digital era

The workshop aims at presenting the work developed and results achieved within several ongoing or closed projects, spanning across all areas of health care, from prevention and lifestyle to diagnosis, follow-up, treatment and care provision. The projects that will be discussed include BioStreams --for childhood obesity prevention and follow up, SMARTBEAR for health monitoring, prevention and disease management of the elderly population, DIOPTRA -for colorectal cancer prevention and early diagnosis, PHOREVER -for stroke and pancreatic cancer detection, RETENTION -addressing heart failure monitoring outside hospitals, SHAPES -for long-term healthy and active ageing and the maintenance of a high-quality standard of life, MIRATAR -on virtual caregivers for older adults, FRAIL AI -for frailty prevention through physical exercise, and TeleRehaB DSS -for remote rehabilitation of balance disorders. The workshop objective is, starting with the progress and findings of these important research and innovation projects, to discuss the opportunities created by digital technologies for delivering better health care services to the citizens, and highlight the challenges implicated in this process and the framework that is required to assure the minimisation of potential risks. Prescription models for reimbursement of digital health services that begin to shape across several

  • Digital health services
  • Data analytics
  • Security
  • Privacy and ethics
  • Prescription-reimbursement models
Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry, Researchers

AIP Roadshow (session in Portuguese)

27 June - 15h00-16h20, Selvagens I - PS110

Promote applied research to addressthe needs of SMEs

This Roadshow aims to drive significant advances in the 4.0 economy, working in vital areas such as Systems Interoperability, Energy Efficiency, Robotics and complex Industrial Systems. Increase research and development (R&D) applied in companies, and with this we pave the way for a more advanced and sustainable technological future. These domains represent the fundamental pillars of industrial innovation, where collaboration between sectors, the optimization of energy resources, intelligent automation and the resolution of complex challenges converge, with respect for the fundamental items of cybersecurity. Take advantage of PT2030 and Horizonte Europe financing projects.

Target Attendees:
  • Academia, Industry