EIT Health Transformation Talks Registration

EIT Health Transformation Talks Agenda

EIT Health Sessions

Unlocking Healthcare Innovation with EIT Health Sessions

EIT Health InnoStars is hosting two workshops at Madeira Digital Transforma1on Week aimed at empowering the Madeira ecosystem in healthtech innovation. Engage in meaningful discussions, network with key stakeholders, and participate in activities designed to drive innovation and foster positive change in the local healthcare landscape during the following sessions:

Session 1 - HealthConnect: Bridging Healthcare Stakeholders with EIT Health Partners

26 June 2024 - 15h00-16h20, Lagoon III

This workshop will feature open discussions where participants can explore the latest programs and opportunities from EIT Health, learn how to connect with the competitive European healthcare ecosystem, enhance their organization's visibility, and boost international collaborations.

  • Marta Passadouro | EIT Health InnoStars Ecosytem Lead
  • Carlos Faro | Associate Professor of the University of Coimbra and Scientific Director of Biocant Park
  • Carlos Lopes | CEO Startup Madeira

*More information in the upcoming days

Session 2 - EDIH-DigiHealth PT & TEF Health Roadshow

26 June 2024 - 16h40-18h00, Lagoon III

Participants will learn how to leverage digital innovation to enhance their business operations and drive growth in the HealthTech sector, improving the level of digitalization in their companies. The session will highlight how EDIH-DigiHealth PT serves as a one-stop shop to help startups, SMEs, and public sector organiza1ons respond to digital challenges and become more competitive through innovation. Additionally, it will introduce TEF Health as a new digital innovation cluster designed to accelerate the value chain in Health AI and Robotics by providing specific support to innovators, startups, and SMEs

At the end of the session, it is also possible to have brief one-on-one sessions with the guest speakers and get a better understanding of how these projects can help you with your specific business needs.

  • Marta Passadouro | EIT Health InnoStars Ecosytem Lead
  • Carolina Sampaio Dinis | EIT Health DigiHealthPT Innova1on Lead

Why Attend?

  • One-on-one Meetings: Engage in personalized meetings with experts to discuss your specific needs, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded peers, and potential collaborators to foster partnerships and synergies.
  • Tailored Support: Discover where you can receive personalized guidance and support to navigate the complexi1es of digital transformation and healthcare innovation.

EIT Health Transformation Talks Registration

EIT Health Transformation Talks registration includes:
  • HealthConnect: Bridging Healthcare Stakeholders with EIT Health Partners 26.06.2024
  • EDIH-DigiHealth PT & TEF Health Roadshow 26.06.2024
  • Welcome Session 27.06.2024
  • Keynote Session 27.06.2024
  • Morning Coffe Break 27.06.2024
  • EIT Health Morning Health Talks Session 27.06.2024

Registration for the EIT Health sessions is FREE OF CHARGE but grants restricted access only to referred sessions. To attend other events within the broader Madeira Digital Transformation Week initiative, separate registrations will be required.

If you want to access other MDTWeek sessions, lunches and social events you need a valid DTS registration here!