Sessions - Thursday, 27th October 2022


European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in the Support of Digital Transformation for the Society

Thursday, 27th October 2022 11:15 - Ballroom C

Moderators: Meike Reimann - Senior Project Manager at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum and Pierre-Damien Berger - Directeur Business Development at Minalogic & EDIH MinaSmart

• A strategic business approach to creating a sustainable DIH network

  Speaker: Gash Bhullar - Chief Executive Officer / Chairman at European Factory Foundation

• The Digital Transformation Accelerator (DTA) for EDIHs

  Speaker: Silvia de la Maza - Chief Information Officer at Innovalia Group

• Boosting EDIHs by creating synergies between them

  Speaker: Pierre-Damien Berger - Directeur Business Development at Minalogic & EDIH MinaSmart

• Forging interregional collaborations between DIHs - the BOWI project

  Speaker: Mayte Carracedo - Co-Founders and Chief of Development and Partnerships Officer at FundingBox

• Managing and governing DIHs in manufacturing

  Speaker: Isidora Trucco - Research Fellow at Politecnico di Milano

• SmartEEs: an European instrument on flexible & wearable electronics

  Speaker: Jérôme Gavillet - European Program Manager at CEA

• African-European collaboration on digitalisation and innovation

  Speaker: Patrik Schumacher - Project Consultant at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum

Enabling Maritime Digitalization

Thursday, 27th October 2022 11:15 - Ballroom B

Moderator: Spiros Mouzakitis - Senior Researcher at National Technical University of Athens

• Enabling maritime digitalization by extreme-scale analytics, AI and digital twins - VesselAI

  Speaker: Spiros Mouzakitis - Senior Researcher at National Technical University of Athens

• VesselAI solutions for maritime digitalisation

  Speaker: Giannis Tsapelas - Researcher at DSS Lab, National Technical University of Athens

• Globally optimal design of ship energy systems

  Speaker: Zou Guangrong - Senior Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

• Weather routing and fleet intelligence service in shipping

  Speaker: Roberto Vettor - Senior Research and Innovation Manager, Shipping Solutions at NAPA

• Shaping the future of the seaports - DataPorts

  Speaker: Andreu Belsa - Senior Researcher at Universitat Politècnica de València

• How digitalization and data analytics can support maritime decarbonization and regulatory compliance

  Speaker: Elina Furustam - Product Marketing Manager, Shipping Solutions at NAPA

• Artificial Intelligence for the next generation energy - Opportunities for collaboration with the maritime domain - I-NERGY

  Speaker: Giorgos Kormpakis - Software Application Engineer at DSS Lab, National Technical University of Athens


Success Stories from the European Digital Transformation

Thursday, 27th October 2022 14:30 - Ballroom C

Moderators: Bastien Hualpa - European project Manager at MINALOGIC and José Ferreira - Senior Researcher at UNINOVA

• Impact that EDIH has on Portuguese industry

  Speaker: Manuela Azevedo - Operational support and execution of R&D+I projects at PRODUTECH

• Leveraging D-BEST service portfolio: the AI REGIO Gualini Metal Sheet industrial pilot

  Speaker: Alissa Zaccaria - EU project coordinator at Intellimech

• Safety and wellbeing of shop floor workers

  Speaker: José Ferreira - Senior Researcher at UNINOVA

• Comprehensive homeware smart monitoring

  Speaker: Jensen Joymangul - Data Scientist at Linde Homecare France and DISP lab

• The Silicon Europe journey: rising from a project to a sustainable alliance in electronics

  Speaker: Bastien Hualpa - European project Manager at MINALOGIC

Technological Approach to the Digital Ocean

Thursday, 27th October 2022 14:30 - Ballroom B

Moderator: Rui Caldeira - President of the Administration Council of Arditi

• TEC4SEA: INESC TEC's R&D technologies to support Ocean digitalization

  Speaker: Paula Lima - Researcher at The Centre For Robotics and Autonomous Systems (INESC TEC)

• Digitizing the Ocean for the benefit of Society

  Speaker: Telmo Dias - Technical-Scientific Data Management Centre of the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute

• From the Digital Ocean to the Ocean Digital Twin

  Speaker: Jorge Miranda - President of IPMA, the Portuguese Institute for the Ocean and the Atmosphere

PART II: Panel Discussion


Panel: Staying Ahead in the Digital Age

Thursday, 27th October 2022 15:30 - Ballroom C

Moderator: Marinos Ioannides - Director of UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage

Staying Ahead in the Digital Age means Never stop learning about new technology solutions. Lifelong learning is a way to maintain competitiveness, either personal either industrial. The Digital Age brings new developments and challenges in the data science, artificial intelligence, and automation fields. With technology constantly evolving, what are the challenges that needs to be overcome to keep up with the latest trends and revolutions? Most companies are constrained by lack of resources (whatever diverse they may be) to face this challenge. Using the new emerging digital technologies as an enabler towards new organizational reasoning, what can companies do in order to achieve the necessary change that allows begin thinking differently of their business?


Élvio Rúbio Gouveia - Assistant Professor at University of Madeira and Vice-President of Interactive Technologies Institute

João Martins - Professor at Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of NOVA School of Science and Technology and Head of Energy Efficiency Group at UNINOVA

João Pedro Mendonça - Professor at University of Minho

Silvia de la Maza - Chief Information Officer at Innovalia Group

Filipe Pinto - Project Manager at Altice Labs

Digitising the Defence Economy

Thursday, 27th October 2022 15:30 - Ballroom B

Moderator: Catarina Nunes - Chair of the Board at idD Portugal Defence

• Defence and Defence Economy: dual-use supports innovation

  Speaker: Catarina Nunes - Chair of the Board at idD Portugal Defence

• Portuguese defence innovation accelerator for the north atlantic - NATO-DIANA

  Speaker: Miguel Pinto - Head of Knowledge Valorization at idD Portugal Defence

• Strategy for Innovation of the Armed Forces

  Speaker: José Moreira - Head of Capabilities Area in the Innovation and Transformation Division at EMGFA

• Defending the Sovereignty of Space and the Seas

  Speaker: José Freitas - Business Development Manager for Defence and Homeland Security sectors at CRITICAL Software


Open Pitches

Thursday, 27th October 2022 16:45 - Ballroom C

Moderator: Carla Alves - European Project Manager at Secretaria Regional de Tourism e Cultura

• Pitch: Luxembourg, Toward a Nation Wide Digital Twin

  By: Pascal Lhoas - LIST : Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

• Pitch: Our Expertise - Your Success

  By: João Sousa - Associação CCG/ZGDV - Centro de Computação Gráfica

• Pitch: Digitalization and Protection of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism

  By: Marinos Ioannides - UNESCO and EU ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage

• Pitch: Cluny Caring Experience Going Green, Going Digital

  By: Tânia Lourenço - Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São José de Cluny